
One Faith, One Law, One King: French Armies of the Wars of Religion 1562 1598

This book is the only dedicated study available in English that covers all of the armed factions that took part in the Wars of Religion as well as the whole period of these conflicts. It draws on contemporary French, Spanish and English accounts, as well as the best of more recent scholarship, to (...)
Categoría: Libros

The Italian Wars Vol.4 The battle of Ceresole 1544

April 1544: The French army led by Charles of Bourbon Count of Enghien - deployed in the siege of Cairignano, a city occupied by the imperials was ordered to fight Alfonso d'Avalos Marquis of Vasto, the hated Imperial rival.After almost twenty years from the legendary Battle of Pavia, the two most (...)
Categoría: Libros

Charles X's Wars: Volume 3 - The Danish Wars, 1657-1660

The book describes and analyses the two devastating wars fought between Sweden and Denmark-Norway during the reign of King Charles X Gustav of Sweden, an experienced former general of the Thirty Years' War.The Dano-Swedish War of 1657 1658 was initiated by King Frederick III of Denmark-Norway, who (...)
Categoría: Militares

Like a brazen wall

The Battle of Minden is justifiably celebrated by the British infantry and artillery regiments involved, but it was a close-run affair. Like a Brazen Wall echoes that celebration, but also sets a fresh balance: appropriately applauding, where due, the dash and élan of the French and Saxon opponents (...)
Categoría: Militares

The Battle of Rocroi 1643: Clash of Seventeenth Century Superpowers

The Battle of Rocroi (19 May 1643) is famous for the French victory over the Spanish Tercios. The Duc d'Enghien, only 21 years old, defeated a Spanish army commanded by Francisco de Melo. The victory has traditionally been attributed to the military genius of the young Duke, to the superiority of (...)
Categoría: Militares

HOJO: Samurai Warlords 1487-1590

A completely new and original take on 16th century samurai history and Japan's military revolution.During the sixteenth century Japan's medieval period was left behind as the samurai experienced a military revolution that involved the introduction of rearms and the mobilization of large armies who (...)
Categoría: Militares

Light Troops in the Seven Years War: Irregular Warfare in Europe and North America, 1755-1763

Offers an overview of strategic skirmishes and overlooked battles alongside profiles of the contemporary masters of irregular warfare during the 18th century.Histories of the Seven Years War or French and Indian War tend to concentrate on the larger engagements. In the European theater, the (...)
Categoría: Militares

The Battle of Castillon 1453: The Death Knell for English France

A detailed account of the reconquest of Normandy and Gascony, including the battle which marked the first decisive use of artillery on the battlefield.The defeat of John Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, and the Anglo-Gascon army on 17 July 1453 at Castillon on the River Dordogne, 25 miles east of (...)
Categoría: Militares

The Kalmar War 1611-1613: Gustavus Adolphus's First War

The book describes and analyses the Kalmar War of 1611-1613 between Sweden and Denmark-Norway. Since Denmark controlled the Straits between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, Sweden sought an alternative trade route through the sparsely populated Arctic Lapland an option enabled by the 1595 Treaty (...)
Categoría: Militares

The Tudor Arte of Warre Volume 3: The conduct of war in the reign of Elizabeth I 1558-1603: The Elizabethan Army

This volume completes the study of the Tudor Art of War and is in effect a handbook for the Elizabethan army, which explains its leadership, organization, tactics and training and recruitment. It also describes how soldiers were paid, clothed, equipped and provided for or as was too often the case, (...)
Categoría: Militares
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