García de Gabiola, Javier

The Rif Wat Vol 1 From Taxdirt to the Disaster of Annual 1909-1921

The Rif War in rugged northern Morocco is remembered for romantic films and novels about the French Foreign Legion, such as Beau Geste. In reality, the French intervention, although very important, was late and secondary in importance to that of the Spanish. Spain, had been fighting in North Africa (...)
Categoría: Militares

The Rif War: Volume 2: From Xauen to the Alhucemas Landing and Beyond, 1922 1927

The Rif War in rugged northern Morocco is remembered for romantic films and novels about the French Foreign Legion, such as Beau Geste. In reality, the French intervention, although very important, was late and secondary in importance to that of the Spanish.The second volume of The Rif War begins (...)
Categoría: Militares